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In this exuberant season of May when the fresh green climb on to the tree branches, the faculties and the students of health school embraced the 106thInternational Nurses Day on May 12. They gathered together to celebrate this special festival with their sincere emotion.


President Zheng Nengbo, deputy Party secretary Wang Xuguang and deputy president Chen Aiguo attended this celebration.


Firstly, the college leaders awarded prizes to the student winners in the nursing skill competitions. All students present were determined to follow the winners’ example to add brilliance to the blueprint of nursing career.


Then, in the melodious music, leaders and teachers awarded the student representatives nurse caps. All nursing students present vowed to bear in mind Florence Nightingale’s selfless contribution and dedicate to people’s health.

The following is the PPT presentation competition in which delegates from every major showed not only their cognition and recognition on their own majors, but also their expectations toward the splendid future.

The candles they were burning also enlightened their career life. Their solemn promise on that day would bless them with love and dedication.